Sdělení pro rozhodčí KPDC
Výzva: Rozhodčí pro KPDC, 23. - 27. července
Asociaci debatních klubů ČR kontaktovala Veronika Vlčková, hlavní koordinátorka IDEA Youth Fóra 2008. Zde je přepis jejího e-mailu, ve kterém vyzývá rozhodčí, aby se zúčastnili a rozhodovali na Mistrovství světa v debatování ve formátu Karl Popper (KPDC).
Dear debating community
we are looking for extra judges, who would be able to judge at the IDEA Karl Popper Debate Championship taking place in Smolyan, Bulgaria from July 23-27. As a good debater I will give you 3 reasons why you should accept this invitation:
1. you will have the opportunity to judge at a tournament hosting 50 teams
2. you will have the great chance to mingle with over 270 people from 35 countries of the world
3. you will be invited for the great evening activities like Country expo (exhibition of all cultures present at the Youth Forum), Bulgarian night (exhibition and active participation in various aspects of Bulgarian culture) and the Champions' night (smashing closing party of the KPDC)
We will cover your participation fee, so all you need to do, is to get to Sofia's airport or train/bus station and we will take it from there!
Why miss it?!
Interested? More information needed? Contact me!
Veronika Vlckova
IDEA Forum Coordinator
Prinsengracht 397
1016 HL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
office: +31(0)206927299
cell: +31(0)619074358
V případě zájmu - Veronika Vlčková má e-mail: vvlckova/zavináč/
Další informace ještě Zde.